Media Today Caricature: The Sissy Work of Journalists or about the Meaning of “Senseless” Filming

Journalists from the Republic of Moldova have recently learned that their work of informing citizens or investigating cases of public interest would be pointless. More precisely, the editorial staff of the CU SENS media project has been asking for access to the hospital in Vorniceni for a long time, about which it previously carried out an investigation. The team proposed to return to the subject, but the Ministry of Health answered them, through a letter, that … “filming has no meaning”, after the journalists had already filmed the medical institution once a few years ago.
Moreover, at a recent press conference on the epidemiological situation, the Minister of Health, Ala Nemerenco, responded in the same way: “Your question is not on this topic, but you insist that you are a meaningful publication. I would support the opposite”.
One way or another, regardless of the attitude of the dignitaries in the field of Health in relation to the activity of journalists, which they consider useless, the press will continue its sissy work in the public interest, to turn the stone for good.