MBC TV Channel Fined 25 000 Lei for Unjustified Cessation of Activity

The Broadcasting Council fined the MBC TV channel for unjustified cessation of its activity, after it had not been broadcasting from September 12 to October 19. The case was reported by the BC member Orest Dabija.
According to the broadcasting authority, on June 28, 2022, the SG MEDIA M1 Company, the founder of the MBC TV broadcasting media service, addressed the Broadcasting Council (BC) in order to suspend its broadcasting license for two months. The BC accepted the request and decided to suspend the channel from July 8 to September 8.
On September 5, the media service provider informed the BC about resuming its broadcasting since September 8, 2022. In this regard, the BC requested the media service distributors to inform them about the distribution of the MBC channel via cable networks. However, in their turn, the distributors informed that the TV channel in question was not rebroadcast in the indicated period of time.
The control revealed that the MBC channel had not been broadcasting from September 12 to October 19, 2022. Hence, for unjustified cessation of activity for a term of more than ten days, the BC fined the broadcaster 25 000 lei and gave them a period of 30 days to eliminate the breaches.