10 TV Ceases Its Activity on the Market of the Republic of Moldova

The Broadcasting Council (BC) ordered to withdraw the broadcasting license for the 10 TV channel for the reason that it had ceased broadcasting in the territory of the Republic of Moldova without indicating a reason for that decision. The order was unanimously approved by the BC members at the meeting of May 19.
According to the information, on May 3, 2023, the Timpul de dimineață periodical filed an application to terminate the broadcasting license for the 10 TV channel for the reason that it had ceased broadcasting its audiovisual content.
Media Azi previously wrote about the breaches committed by the 10 TV channel. For example, in 2021, the Council of the Press stated that both the channel and the 10tv.md portal were breaching the provisions of the Journalist’s Deontological Code of the Republic of Moldova by borrowing some images in an unauthorized way and using them in journalistic materials which distorted the meaning and the context presented by the holder of the rights for the images, such as the Zonadesecuritate.md portal in the case mentioned above.
Following that year’s election campaign, the BC applied several sanctions to 10 TV, a total of 32000 lei, for a number of breaches, such as failing to provide information about the previous sanction, repeated breaches of the requirements regarding correct information, lack of translation of the messages into the sign language, and breaching the provisions stipulated by the broadcasting license.
In the same year, the Mediacritica portal reported the mixture of facts and opinions committed at the 10 TV website, in a news item about launching of the “We Build Europe at Home” Party (PACE) during the election campaign, with the title “What Has Cavcaliuc Been Smoking? HALLUCINATORY Scenes from the Launch of the PACE.” Mediacritica also noted an abundance of value judgments and insinuations referred to Emilian Crețu in another material dated June 2021, which included the information about the actor’s private life which was not of public interest. The same portal was warned about publishing defamatory conclusions, ungrounded categorizations, facts mixed with opinions, and the lack of the right of reply in relation to Natalia Davidovici, then a candidate on the PAS lists for the early elections of July 11, 2021.
Last year, the BC fined the channel 17000 lei for broadcasting a large amount of audiovisual programs from Romania to the detriment of local broadcasts. In addition, the percentage reserved for European audiovisual works, informative, analytical, educational, and cultural programs was not complied with, which resulted in an increased amount of movies broadcast by the channel, a category in which the audiovisual media service provider actually indicated 0%.
The 10 TV channel was launched in September 2016, in partnership with the Timpul newspaper headed by Silviu Tănase and the Acțiunea 2012 unionist movement. At the moment of launching, 10 TV declared it was the first independent TV channel founded from donations and grants. According to the official documents, Silviu Tănase still remains a beneficiary of this media service provider.