27 Radio Stations and TV Channels Resume Their Activity in the Liberated Ukrainian Territories

Olha Herasymiuk, head of the National Council of TV and Radio Broadcasting (NCTVRB), stated during the authority’s session last week that 27 Ukrainian TV channels and radio stations had resumed broadcasting in the territories liberated from the occupation of the Russian army, according to the Detector.media portal and other sources of information from Ukraine.
According to the NCTVRB president, in Ukraine, “all the necessary steps are taken to enable people to quickly return to life after six months of occupation. And, certainly, our media in these territories is important,” she emphasizes.
Therefore, on September 6, Armiya FM station resumed broadcasting in Kharkiv, near the border with the Russian Federation. In July and September, TRC TIM and TRC Klas, two radio broadcasters resumed their activity in the Chernigov Region. Besides, two TV and radio companies in the Nikolaev Region and one in the Donetsk Region started operating.
“It demonstrates that all the occupation broadcasts are temporary, and along with the armed forces doing their job, de-occupation of the information space still goes on,” Herasymiuk mentioned.
The NCTVRB simultaneously keeps continuously monitoring the activity of local mass media in all the Ukrainian territories. “I would like to assure everyone that we conduct on-site monitoring. We know who has deserted to the enemy, and those people should understand that this fact will not be left unpunished,” the head of the broadcasting authority affirms.