- Oct- 2022 -5 October
The BC Requests the ISS, the NAC, and the Competition Council to Investigate Whether Primul in Moldova and Accent TV Have Changed Their Final Beneficiary
On October 4, the Broadcasting Council (BC) addressed the Information and Security Service (ISS), the National Anticorruption Center (NAC), and the Competition Council (CC), requesting to investigate the circumstances and…
- Sep- 2022 -29 September
A New Project of Amending the Media Services Code Provides for More Prime Time Hours for TV Channels
A new draft law registered by the Parliament on September 28 by a group of deputies from the Party of Action and Solidarity provides for several amendments to the Code…
- 26 September
The BC Confirms That Accent TV and Primul in Moldova Have a New Administrator
Accent TV and Primul in Moldova channels have changed their administrator. This information was confirmed for Media Azi by the Broadcasting Council, which was notified of the amendments on Friday,…
- 23 September
Radio Stations in the Focus of the BC’s Attention: 5 Are Publicly Warned, and Two Are Fined 5 000 Lei Each
The Broadcasting Council (BC) keeps monitoring radio stations in terms of ensuring the amount of local and Romanian-language content. At the meeting on September 23, such stations as Mega HIT,…
- 21 September
27 Radio Stations and TV Channels Resume Their Activity in the Liberated Ukrainian Territories
Olha Herasymiuk, head of the National Council of TV and Radio Broadcasting (NCTVRB), stated during the authority’s session last week that 27 Ukrainian TV channels and radio stations had resumed…
- 19 September
Ukrainian Media Community Demands from the Authorities to Identify and Punish Perpetrators of Crimes against Journalists
Several non-governmental media organizations in Ukraine – the Media Movement, Detector Media, and the Institute of Mass Information – have issued a joint statement on the occasion of the Remembrance…
- 16 September
Draft Law Voted by the European Commission: Creating the European Board for Media Services and More Guarantees for Freedom of the Press
On Friday, September 16, the European Commission (EC) adopted a European Media Freedom Act which includes a set of new rules for protecting media pluralism and independence in the European…
- 15 September
Liliana Vitu: “The Audiovisual Market in Moldova Is Artificially Inflated by Politically Created Holdings Which Receive Flows of Money from the Outside”
The situation in the audiovisual field could be significantly improved if order were made in the legal regime of property to settle the issues related to media and advertising concentration,…
- 14 September
Britain’s Prime Minister Intends to Amend the Online Safety Bill in Favor of Free Speech
The Online Safety Bill which has been at the center of attention of the British parliamentarians and English society for the recent months could be revised upon suggestion of the…
- 12 September
The ECtHR Convictions Cost the Republic of Moldova Dozens of Millions of Euros. How Many Cases Concern Breaches of Freedom of Expression?
The Republic of Moldova has been convicted at the European Court of Human Rights in 568 cases so far; of them, 21 refer to breaches of Art. 10 of the…