IMAS survey. How Citizens Perceive the Situation in the Media Field during the Gavrilița Government

The situation in the media field has improved during the current government, according to 16 percent of the participants in Socio-Political Barometer of July. However, the number of those who believe that the situation in the media has worsened is twice as high, constituting 36 percent. The survey was conducted by the sociological company IMAS at the behest of Public Media, and the data were made public on Wednesday, July 20th.
After almost a year since the Government led by Natalia Gavrilița took office, 36 percent of respondents say that in the field of mass media things have gotten worse, and 32 percent are of the opinion that the situation has not changed. At the same time, 16 percent of the survey participants are satisfied with the situation in the media, considering that it has improved. Another 16 percent of respondents did not want to answer this question or did not know what to answer.

Negative perceptions are attested to the transparency of decisions taken by those in power, where 53 percent of respondents claim that the situation has worsened, and 14 percent that it has improved. Likewise, when asked about the authorities’ communication with citizens, 56 percent of the survey participants believe that it has worsened and 11 percent that it has improved.
The survey was conducted between July 6th – 18th on a sample of 1007 people from 12 administrative-territorial units. The maximum sampling error is ±3.1%.