Cartoon Media Azi

Media Azi Cartoon: TRM “Makes Overtures” to the Government: The New Head of the Parliament Was Greeted by an “Entire Procession” at Moldova 1

Igor Grosu, the new President of the Parliament, has recently remarked in an interview for a private TV channel that the attitudes of Teleradio-Moldova representatives changed since he became the head of the Legislature. “They greeted me right at the entrance, believe it or not. I’d been to the national television before, so I knew how to get to the studio. I used to ask the door supervisor, ‘Where is this studio?’ He would tell me, ‘Go ahead and turn to the right.’ But on that day, I was greeted by an entire procession. I didn’t expect it; I didn’t even realize at that moment who was greeting us,” Grosu describes his surprise. In fact, the President of the Parliament was not the only person to notice the public provider’s “obedience” to the regimes which hold the power. The media experts also noted that Moldova 1 has favored any government regardless of its political color, be it yellow, blue, or red, or symbol, be it roses, sickle, or hammer… Let us see this time, when the opposition came to power, whether TRM staff’s “overtures”, as Igor Grosu calls them, become obvious in the programs broadcast by the public TV channel.

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