Survey//Social Networks Increasingly Used as the Main Source of Information. TV Remains at the Top of the List

For citizens of the Republic of Moldova, social networks are the second most frequently used source of information; in 2022, the difference was only 1% compared to TV in terms of popularity. The latter still ranks first and remains the source which enjoys media consumers’ greatest trust, according to the national survey on the population’s perception of the media and media skills in the Republic of Moldova published by Internews Moldova.
According to the survey, a large part of those interviewed watch TV on a daily basis (59%) for information purposes, as well as use social networks (58%). Compared to the previous wave, in 2022, for obtaining daily information, 16% (percentage points) more respondents used social networks. The share of those who use news websites daily to get some information doubled, amounting to 42% in 2022 vs. 20% in 2020, the survey shows.
According to the data provided in the report, in 2022, 42% of respondents affirmed that, during the last month, TV was their main source of information, and a third of them said that TV remained the most trustworthy source. However, we can see a downward trend compared to the previous years. On the other hand, social networks’ popularity as a source of information keeps increasing, and so does the audience’s trust. Thus, 31% of respondents affirm that, in the last month, social platforms were their main source of information, which is 7% more than in 2020 and 15% more than in 2018. According to the source, 65% of the survey participants mention that they consult different media sources to see the way the same news is presented, which is more than two years ago.
Moldova 1 remains in the top preferences of news broadcast consumers on the TV; an increasing trend in the popularity of Jurnal TV (42% in 2022) and Pro TV (36% in 2022) watched by the respondents at least once a week is noticed. In terms of trust, Jurnal TV is at the top (17%).
The survey data was collected using qualitative and quantitative research methods from December 12, 2022, to January 13, 2023, on a sample of 1374 people.