A new entity will be created within the public company Teleradio-Moldova (TRM) – the Information Security and Internal Protection Service. The decision was approved on August 12 by the Supervisory and Development Council (SDC) at the request of TRM General Director Vlad Turcanu. The company administration claims that the subdivision will be created with the aim of implementing the security system, including information and electronic systems.
Four people are to work in the department, including senior specialists in various fields: internal protection, information security, information and electronic systems security, guard forces and control.
At the SDC meeting, Vlad Turcanu said that the idea to launch a new service appeared after the visit of the employees of the Anti-Terrorist Center of the Information and Security Service, in the first weeks of the war in Ukraine. “There are some sensitive sectors that need to be developed, namely broadcasting security – we do not currently have a structure to regulate access to broadcasting studios; information security – here we have an IT department that does not have a coordination at the highest level, it has only some technical tasks (the service that we propose would gather all the sections we have in order to ensure a targeted coordination in the sense of security); internal protection and control; infrastructure security; guard forces and access control,” Vlad Turcanu explained to SDC members, according to the minutes of the meeting.
The SDC member Corneliu Popovici asked about the costs for creating the subdivision. Vlad Turcanu said that the draft budget will be included in the specifications for next year, and so far, expenses have been analyzed from the perspective of equipment to be purchased, such as cameras, but also salaries of new employees.
The SDC President Arcadie Gherasim told Media Azi that TRM is to present by the end of the month the draft regulations that will concern the activity of the new subdivision. “The subdivision is necessary under the current conditions, but we want to see the regulation. It is about the security of the institution – this is the way it is done all over the world. It is about information security, fire safety, access control security, broadcast security. There will be several regulations. Who, for example, now ensures security during broadcasting? Who has the right to enter?” Arcadie Gherasim said.
Media Azi previously wrote that the public TV station Moldova 1 was subjected to a cyber attack in early 2020, as a result of which part of the archive of the news department was lost. The public institution in charge of cyber security then confirmed to Media Azi that the station had been attacked by a malicious computer program system, the so-called Satan ransomware.